Monday 15 October 2012


All I can say is well done to Callum today.  Not only did he end up doing 3.5hrs of maths, he also coped with a slight disaster.

I woke up in lots of pain, but with a 'need to tidy up' head on me.  As Callum wasn't up I decided to get on with clearing up which meant me blitzing cupboards and shelves instead of the normal dust and sweep.  Callum woke up when I was about half way through and, as it was Monday, he switched on the computer to get on with his computer studies.  However the new Ruby scheme on Code Academy wasn't up and running (or at least he couldn't log in) so he went onto Khan instead.

He wasn't sure what to do, so we had a look at the current maths and science that we are doing and he looked up those as best he could.  We are looking at powers of 10 in maths and chemical reactions in science.  The trouble was Khan didn't have anything he could find on powers of 10 and all the chemical reaction stuff was too complicated and aimed at older students. He opened up Bitesize instead and had a go at a couple of activities on there.

I finished up the living room and had a quick tidy of the dining room table so I could go through the workbooks and see what else we could find to do while I finished up.  However, still nothing more to be found on Khan, so I suggested he finish off the 'areas of triangles' sheet we had.  Simpler said than done however as all the easy stuff was done and all that was left was the areas of isosceles triangles.

This involved looking up the formula and then trying to explain what it meant before he could even start to solve the questions.


This meant we had to go over square roots and then grab paper and pen and calculator to work it all out.  Wasn't something that I was prepared for and Callum, although understood it, wasn't really up for doing it.  However he did manage 3 out of 6 of the triangles, which I was very impressed with as he did struggle.

He decided to go back to Khan and have a look to see if he could find anything easy to finish on. I like him to finish on something positive if he's done something he's found really hard. While he was looking I noticed that there was a family tree type display of different maths sessions and asked what they were.  He explained that it started with easy peasy and then the branches went off onto more and more difficult things.  I said that it would probably be a good idea for him to start at the top and work his way through.  I knew that it meant doing really basic stuff, but revision is never a bad thing and it would mean he would progress naturally through the work.  We could then tie that in with the books and sheets that we are using when it gets to the work we are supposed to be covering now.  I'm trying to push him at the moment to get him back up to speed and I know that he can do it, but there will be bits he'll breeze through and others that we'll need to cover more in depth and I'll deal with those as and when he hits them.

As he was doing the easy stuff and gaining his awards on the site he carried on for another 2.5 hrs!!!  Only stopping to have some lunch.

Ah yes, lunch!  Disaster time for a while.  Callum's new teeth are coming through thick and fast at the moment and as he bit into a piece of carrot, one of the old back molars decided to dislodge.  Not enough to fully come out unfortunately, just enough to make it loose and to make it bleed; a lot!!!  We ended up having to make a plug from rolled cotton wool to bite down on until it stopped.  Callum's solution of constantly rinsing his mouth with water and spitting out the blood wasn't working and probably not helping it.  However the makeshift plug did eventually stop the bleeding and he attempted to finish his lunch by eating on the opposite side of his mouth.

"Soup for me tonight mum!"  was his response after finally finishing his sandwich and that's what he had.  
Hopefully tomorrow he'll have forgotten about it and the tooth will come out within next few days.  However, I do think a trip to dentist is in order as a few of the new teeth are not pushing the old ones out, so he'll end up with quite crooked teeth if we don't get them out soon.  Am dreading that visit!!

After his mathematics marathon he disappeared into his room for a couple of hours, but is now back downstairs on the computer playing some war game, so laptop for me tonight.

Trampolining lesson tomorrow and hopefully a bit of art and crafts with big sis.

So will cya later folks.

Thanks for reading.

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