Tuesday 13 September 2011


Wow, sorry this is a late post, but today has been very hectic.

We started slowly as Callum was really tired, so he didn't leap out of bed and start his daily worksheets over a cuppa as normal. Instead he rolled out of bed at 8.30am when I took him a cuppa, slid floppily down the stairs, slumped into the chair and.....played on the DS.

Actually I didn't really mind as I had some questions I wanted to print out to go with our lessons on Cells.

So we started at our 'official' time of 10am with the daily literacy and maths. Hmmmmm, that didn't go completely to plan either. Callum still wasn't up for the writing, but as I secretly knew he'd have a reasonable amount of writing to do in science I let him off. Maths went ok until it got to division, at which he went completely blank and forgot how to do it!! So we went over that with the result of "Oh yeah, now I remember", only for him to be flumoxed again because he'd forgotten how to use a protractor! He got himself in a right tizz and I called time out for a cup of tea.

After a breather we went over the sheet together and he was fine, so then it was science and cells. We were just covering "What is a Cell?" today, looking at what cells are made up of and what they do. Callum zoomed through it, coming up with his own way of remembering the longer words and answering the questions easily. There was me allotting 3/4hr to the 'lesson' and panicking about how long it had taken to the do the dailies and he breezed it in 25mins!!! Hey ho!
After a quick lunch it was off to trampolining. His first lesson of the new term and the first proper lesson without James, but with Sue. He was really enthusiastic about it all and worked really hard, surprising Sue on a couple of occasions as she tried to work him up to a more complicated move and he just went straight ahead and did it! Grrrr, annoying how sometimes he makes it look so easy, hehe. He even had time for a bit of fun in the foam pit which went down brilliantly with him.

So back home, couple of hours rest and then out again (told you it was a busy day). Off to Riverside for Junior Rangers, this month's theme - seeds. We walked around the fields looking at berries, seed heads, nuts and grasses and discussed how each was distributed through being either eaten by wildlife, blown by wind or by attaching itself to animal fur (or our clothes) and being brushed or pulled off.

Needless to say Callum (and I for that matter) were knackered by the end of the day and were very grateful to get home, have some dinner and chill out.

Hopefully tomorrow won't be quite so hectic.


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