Tuesday 20 March 2012



Not really much to write today. Phil is off all week replastering a couple of walls and putting up coving in the dining room. Not that that should matter I hear you say, but our dining room is also our classroom and a through room to the kitchen, so having it, how shall we say, full of buckets of plaster and water, tools and mess is proving a bit of a problem. Oh well, it will be done soon.

So what have we done today? Well we had an unexpected visit this morning from Sean, Laure and their son Victor. Callum was ok with introductions but then went all shy and disappeared leaving poor Victor with us, sorry Victor and Sean and Laure. He'll be better next time I'm sure.

Then it was off to trampolining. After some practice bounces and seat drops and front drops and back drops to front drops, etc, it was back to somersaults! He is really trying hard and has now managed to get regularly over into the perfect position for landing, but not quite nailing the landing on the feet, but still an improvement from last time when he kept landing backwards. He's just got to time the straightening of the legs and he'll have nailed it. Nothing Kim can do, Callum just needs to keep practising. He got so frustrated with himself, but once again didn't lose it so well done mate!

Once home it was a quick cuppa in the garden and then off to B&Q for paint. Pointed out to staff that their wonderful Kids DIY classes were all very well, but what was the point of getting the kids interested at a young age and then leaving them in the lurch from age 11 until 18. Actually the guy agreed with me and said he'd said the same, but the company had decided against running interim classes, so he's taken it upon himself to cater to 13, so anyone with older kids might like to ask their local B&Q the same question. It isn't just B&Q either, lots of places are the same. Our local country parks run events till 12yrs, then nothing and our local theatres seem to have show aimed at 11/12 years and then nothing. Seems totally pointless to me as its the 13-18 year olds that need things to do. Oh well, sorry went off on a rant there.

Visited the garden section, which I should not have done, and came out with Lupins, a Eucalyptus and a new Rosemary plant as mine has pretty much had it now...oops! Back home and Callum disappeared upstairs and then has just had an hour on Roblox. Hopefully tomorrow may be more productive.


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