Monday 12 November 2012


Okay, where do we start?  I suppose at the beginning.

I got up, cleaned the house, washing on, washed up, sorted out craft corner (mine), had two cuppas and then......yes, he surfaced! :-)   About 10am!  Very floppy flouncy with a bit of hurmph thrown in.

Got a cuppa for himself and went back upstairs to the room of doom.

Checked in a few mins later to discover he had a NOSE BLEED!!  He's had a few of those recently.  He isn't worried about them which is good and I'm assuming it's a hormonal thing and they aren't daily or even weekly, but they are there.  Needless to say this gave him an excuse to chill out for a bit longer.

Then a shower.

Then at approximately 11am he took a look at the new programming lesson on codeacademy.  He got stuck after about 10mins.  Not sure if he really didn't understand it; whether because the site wouldn't actually let him log in properly (sorted now) or whether he just wasn't in the mood.  Anyway, once we got the login sorted, he announced he couldn't be bothered as he was tired!!!!

So, Richard Hammonds Miracles of Nature was watched instead which he was far more interested in and thoroughly enjoyed.

Then a quick kitchen visit to watch and help me make a vegetable quiche before, guess what, yep, disappearing into the room of doom again.

Must admit over the weekend he has managed to clear some of the floor.  I may actually be able to hoover in there before the week is out.  Woo hoo.


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