Tuesday, 16 April 2013


Well, yesterday was the start of a new section of work.  We're attempting 2 award schemes and a Digipen course which is a game programming course (see link below for some more info).  We're doing this as I'd like a bit more structure and I'd also like Callum to begin having something to show for his work instead of just lots and lots of paper.  Exams may prove difficult for Callum due to the Asperger, so am looking at alternative routes and ways of getting certificates.


Yesterday was the first of the Digipen 'lessons'.  And after much hrumphing, moaning, worrying, "be glad when today is over"ing, Callum actually really enjoyed the lesson.  It was a fairly basic one I admit (even I followed it and I'm useless at tech).  He even helped out a fellow student who'd arrived late and got him up to speed really quickly.  The boy's mum (I will learn names eventually) even said that Callum should be teaching as he'd explained it well; the teacher having confused her.

So good points:  He enjoyed it.  He wants to go again!!!  He helped out someone else willingly and obviously engaged in conversation with someone new.  Journey there and back was easy and cost was reasonable.  And there is no online lessons planned unless we feel it necessary later which is brilliant as trying to pin us down to being online at a certain time/date could prove difficult.  AND she reckons we'll be finished in 8 weeks instead of 12, but obviously that depends on how much we get done at home and whether people have problems.  So Callum and me very happy!

Bad points:  Teacher is a bit disjointed in her teaching (confused me and a couple of others and didn't cope very well when people ended up on different levels to where she was expecting us to be, but hopefully that will improve).  Journey was very long due to long waits between connections and delays of trains due to signalling probs so we left the house at 2.10pm and got home at 7.15pm just to do a 1 hour lesson (admittedly we did stay a bit longer than 1 hour as we had a problem).  That problem was that our programme which we'd downloaded pre lesson wouldn't run and so Callum couldn't check that his work had worked, if you see what I mean.  Have hopefully sorted that out this morning, but can't check until he gets up!

It's trampolining and social time today, but he's planning on doing the homework tomorrow at his sister's.  Here's hoping the thing will actually work this time.


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