Tuesday 18 September 2012


Good evening my lovelies.  How are we all?  We are good...just!

So what have we been up to?  Well today did not start well for Callum as he didn't get up much before 10am and that was with me waking him up with a cuppa.  Apparently he was determined to finish a book he's been reading, so stayed up until 11.30pm last night to finish it.  Bearing in mind he was already tired from walking around yesterday (or so he says) I'm a bit annoyed that he stayed up so late, but what can you do?  I'm glad he's been reading, but he really needs to manage his bedtime a bit more to ensure he gets enough sleep.  I should probably tell him 'light's out', but he's 13 and I'd like to be able to give him a bit of responsibility to know when it's time to settle down.  Plus I can't make him sleep and there's no evidence that he would have slept before then anyway especially if he was stressing about finishing the book.

So back to this morning.  He woke up late, was tired and a tad grumpy to say the least.  Was supposed to start HE at 10am and get a couple of things done before going trampolining, but by the time he'd eaten breakfast and come to a little it was nearly 11am!  He also said that things had not gone well while he was getting dressed (apparently things kept falling off hangers), so I was not expecting great things.  But I insisted that we, at least, wrote up yesterday's outing and produce a small photo album using a computer programme we have to go into our 'day's out' folder.  As it was, he did pretty well.  He didn't want to do the main bit of the typing up of the day so he dictated whilst I typed, however, he did do the photo album by himself including the layout and the text.

Was in a much better mood when leaving for trampoline class.  Yay!  Today was private lesson with Kim and he had a fab lesson.  Practised lots of moves and his routine, ensuring positioning of arms and style of movement.  Then onto the new way of somersaulting.  Callum, as previously mentioned, has been having difficulty succeeding with the somersaults, so Kim has got him doing rolley polleys and then building up from there.  Today he got to 3 jumps, a flip over, land and then stand from sitting.  He did really well and is getting the tuck of the somersault a lot tighter so isn't travelling as far meaning that the move is looking a lot more controlled; which is good.  A bit of daily practice of rollovers and the extra class in between with the group has definitely shown a difference which is brilliant news.  Callum is a lot, lot happier with his work.

Then a bit of shopping and Subway.  Subway was really busy and his favourite corner was already taken.  Still decided to stay, but we had to sit separately to start with; me on a chair at the table (sitting sideways so that I could at least feel like I was next to him) and him in one of the armchairs (which he doesn't like anyway).  Added to this the staff seemed stressed too and the ladies on the table where I was sitting had said they were finished and just leaving, but didn't make any attempt to move, plus the rest of the armchairs were occupied by college students.  This all added up to a bit of a stress from Callum.  Luckily our little corner soon became available and I got him to rush over and grab it while I brought over the stuff and bags.  However, he was still so stressed that he wouldn't go and get his drink which he normally has no problems in doing and actually enjoys, so I had to get it for him.  Thankfully by the time he'd eaten he'd calmed down enough to refill his cup and be himself again.

Once home we had a present to wrap and a card to write out as he's going to a party tomorrow and he spent the rest of the afternoon (and still is) on the computer playing a Facebook game.

Must point out that whilst in Subway we saw this wee little tot, must have been 4 yrs old, dressed in his school uniform carrying a school reading bag that was as big as him and a lunchbox that wasn't much smaller walking along the High Street with his mum several yards ahead.  He threw down his lunchbox and had a strop to which his mum just ignored him!  Poor little lad didn't look old enough to be in school and we both felt really sorry for him!  Hate the fact we send our kids to school that young, seems so unfair!

Anyway, a day of ups and downs today.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better, but then I'm off out tomorrow afternoon and Callum is with his dad.  Am also hoping that they don't forget the party!

Callum's favourite bit of the day:  "nearly landing the rolley polley with the jumps"


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